Brand Equity: How to Build Trust

August 7, 2020
Posted in Branding
August 7, 2020 TOBF

Brand equity is the commercial value that is derived from the commercial perception of the brand name of a product or service rather than the product or service itself. Have you ever stopped to think about how that works?

It is true that brand equity rests on the ability of a brand to tell its story and answer customers questions without pushing sales. But there is more to it than that. Businesses that seem to have superior brand equity know that building trust is the most important thing to do. So how do you build trust through your content? That is a serious question to answer especially when you find out that there are up to 347 blog posts created every minute on this subject. Thankfully, we’ve highlighted steps you can take below on how to build your brand’s trust.

● Define Your Audience and The Outcome You Anticipate

The most important thing to do is to write the right content for the right reader. When brands understand who they are writing for and why, the majority of their questions around building trust will be answered.

● Go For The Right Content and Platform

Building your brand trust is largely reliant on the type of content your audience consistently reads about your brand and the specific platforms they get to read the content. Putting up the right information about you in places your customers love just work wonders. If your audience prefers to get and read content through their most preferred Facebook group and you supply them in that exact space, you will be the go-to brand whenever the need for your product/service comes up in their mind and thereby, their trust in you keeps growing.

● Invest Time in Sharing, Promoting and Engagement

After you have the word out, share and promote it. The process of building trust takes a lot of investment in making sure that you keep reaching out. It is important to note here that you don’t want to be a burden to your readers even as you maintain that consistency. Pay attention to their nuances and never cross that line. Lastly, respond to them whenever they comment on your content and do well to appreciate them per-time.

● Make it Easy To Connect With Your Brand

Let your audience know how they can reach you whenever they have something to clarify or ask as regards any content you put up. It is not enough that you have the right kind of message for your audience and have promoted it, you should also make it easy for them to connect with you.

● Monitor Responses and Optimize Results

All the brands that have built a high level of trust around them pay attention to not just the views and entire engagements that the content they put up gets, they also monitor all the other content that their target audience spend time on to get feedback on what they need to work on going forward. Monitoring this kind of feedback analytics helps you to be in tune with your audience desires and this enables you to optimize results quickly.

Building huge trust for your brand is possible, but it isn’t an easy feat at all. The process takes time and effort but trust me, it’s very much worth it. It all comes down to being informed, active and emotionally connected to your customers. However, if you use the above ideas correctly, you will be very much better off.

Drop us a line and let us know any questions you have about brand storytelling.

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